Extending oVirt hosted engine disk on FC using LVM


I have a question regarding extending oVirt hosted engine disk. I've checked documentation and the is no information about extending hosted-engine disk. I am using FC storage. Until now I have located the correct Logical Volume on a hosted storage domain.
My question is can I simply use lvextend on the host currently running the engine or should I use some vdsm tools to extend Logical Volume so that I do not do any harm on hosted_storage Data domain?

Best Answer

So you have a FC LUN presented to this host - presumably this is a single-LUN-to-single-host setup due to you using LVM, if not then you have a problem. If this is the case then sure, extend the LUN, rescan, fdisk, vgextend, lvextend, resize2fs the underlying FS and then do what you need with the hosted disk file.