Extremely slow file transfers to Hyper-V VM on local machine

hyper-vnetworkingwindows 8windows-server-2012

I am attempting to transfer a 1.3GB file from my local machine (Windows 8) to my local hyper-V instance (Windows 2012). The transfer begins at about 300kb/s and then swiftly drops to 12-20kb/s.

The two machines are connected to the LAN via the same physical ethernet adapter. The vSwitch and my local connection are bridged, so the VM and my local machine have IP addresses on the same subnet.

Could that be related to the issue? I not a network administrator by trade so I am unaware of the tricks to diagnose this issue.

Best Answer

Most likely, you are seeing an issue with Virtual Machine Queues.

If you are running a Broadcom network adapter, you will need to disable Virtual Machine Queues. We just setup a new server, running Server 2012 Standard with Hyper-V, running two Server 2012 Standard guests, and saw the exact same thing you are describing. This seems to be an issue affecting Broadcom adapters.

Go into the Hyper-V host network properties, and look at the physical adapter, not the vEthernet. On the Advanced tab, scroll down to Virtual Machine Queues, and set it to disabled.

Once we made this change, things were flying.