Facter does not show custom Puppet facts


facter does not show the custom facts while Puppetboard does.

According to this source the paramater -p is required to show all facts including the custom once. I have tried it but the outcome seems to be identical to the outcome of facter.

I tried facter --custom-dir=/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter and it results in: invalid option: --custom-dir=/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter

The question is why facter does not show custom puppet facts and how to solve this issue?

Best Answer

Quoting from facter --help:

-p, --puppet (Deprecated: use puppet facts instead) Load the Puppet libraries, thus allowing Facter to load Puppet-specific facts.

With current versions of puppet you can see all the facts with this. You may need to tell it the path to the modules for it to be able to pick up any custom facts from them. eg:

puppet facts --basemodulepath /path/to/modules:/path/to/other/modules
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