Ubuntu – Fail2ban Bantime.increment Not Working


I wanted to increase the bantime of repeat offenders getting caught by fail2ban. I added the following lines at the top of /etc/fail2ban/jail.local and fail2ban.local

bantime.increment = true
bantime.factor = 1
bantime.formula = ban.Time * (1<<(ban.Count if ban.Count<20 else 20)) * banFactor

But it doesn't seem to be working. Here's a part of the log

2022-02-12 12:18:11,869 fail2ban.filter         [744]: INFO    [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-02-12 12:18:11
2022-02-12 12:18:11,888 fail2ban.actions        [744]: NOTICE  [postfix-sasl] Ban
2022-02-12 12:28:11,985 fail2ban.actions        [744]: NOTICE  [postfix-sasl] Unban
2022-02-12 12:28:29,103 fail2ban.filter         [744]: INFO    [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-02-12 12:28:29
2022-02-12 12:36:15,501 fail2ban.filter         [744]: INFO    [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-02-12 12:36:15
2022-02-12 12:36:15,928 fail2ban.actions        [744]: NOTICE  [postfix-sasl] Ban
2022-02-12 12:46:16,257 fail2ban.actions        [744]: NOTICE  [postfix-sasl] Unban
2022-02-12 12:46:42,148 fail2ban.filter         [744]: INFO    [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-02-12 12:46:42

Could there be something overriding this? How can I find out?

My server is Ubuntu 20.04

Best Answer

Bantime increment facility is released with fail2ban 0.11, so if you see 0.11.x by fail2ban-client --version it must work.

As for the issue, please read the mans attentively (what exactly and where exactly you've to specify that).

Anyway you have to set bantime.increment = true in /etc/fail2ban/jail.local (not in /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.*) for certain jail(s) or even in DEFAULT section, if must be valid for all jails.

Take careful look at your jail.conf, do you see S in default section name?

Thus remove the S like in this diff and it'd work...

 bantime.increment = true

(and you don't need to set bantime.factor and bantime.formula since they seem to be default values).

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