Amazon EC2 – Fastest Way to Get an Instance Running

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I am considering moving from a VPS to EC2.
EC2 is elastic and so is its pricing; I could boot my instance on demand, then let it shut down if it isn't active by the end of some hourly period.

How much time does that process take? Assume a micro instance booting from EBS. Assume Linux (probably Ubuntu); the 10 minute times mentioned for Windows leave me unimpressed. The transition could be ec2-run-instance (with its pending state) or ec2-start-instance. Feel free to mention the start up times of other clouds if you know them.

Best Answer

There is no definite answer to this because that's dependent on EC2's current load. You may also experience capacity issues. In my experience I get EC2 startups in about a minute to three for a Small in west-1b. I don't think Amazon even has an SLA to guarantee the ability to start new instances. Rackspace Cloud Server 256MB is also about a minute but I've seen about three minutes or so.

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