Fastest way to copy large file directory over slow internet


I need to copy a directory from one of our servers several hundred miles away. Both sites where I am and where the files are have business cable. The cable is 5 Mbps(Down) / 768 Kbps(Up). This poses a small problem considering I need to copy about 85GB of data.

I used a file transfer calculator and it said it would take 11 days and some change.

I was wondering if there is any way to leverage something like DeDup to speed up the transfer.

The server I would be copying from is Windows 2003 R2, my box is Windows 7 Pro x64.

I was going to transfer the data to my iSCSI target which is running Ubuntu Linux, with ZFS and SCST. Would the dedup being performed by ZFS aid in the transfer so does the data need to be DeDup'd on the sending end?

Best Answer

Buy an external hard drive. Copy data at site A. Mail it to site B. Copy to machine at site B.

Don't underestimate the power of the postal service.