Fcgid, suexec, and userdir


I'm trying to set up per-user trac instances, using fcgid. The problem is that trac requires rw access to the trac instance, so I need the fcgi process to run under the respective user.

I have the suexec, fcgid, and userdir Apache modules installed (on Debian). I put up vhost directive

ScriptAliasMatch /~(.*)/trac /home/$1/public_html/trac.fcgi

This works insofar as trac.fcgi is run, but unfortunately, under the www-data user. How can I make fcgid launch it under the $1 user?

Best Answer

I'm using the IUS RPMs from Rackspace, and suexec came compiled and configured by default.

Here are the pertinent parts of my mod_fcgid config:

LoadModule fcgid_module modules/mod_fcgid.so 
AddHandler fcgid-script fcg fcgi fpl php 
DefaultInitEnv PHPRC  "/etc/"
FCGIWrapper /usr/bin/php-cgi .php

I suggest removing the "ScriptAliasMatch" Directive and using the AddHandler directive globally or in the UserDir section. Under my setup, any UserDir folder (i.e. ~/public_html) would automatically use suexec for the user in question.