File Transfer Alternatives


Right now we're using the enterprise product from Aspera. We've got a license that covers only 10megabits of throughput per connection. We're looking at migrating away from Aspera as their licensing costs are a killer to get us up to 100megabits. I've been looking around and cant really find any alternatives. Right now we transfer something along the lines of 500gb a day in and out. I'd prefer something from the FOSS camp but I'm not against purchasing something Windows based.

To provide you some background on our hardware config.

(2) BL495c Blade Servers – 2x 6 core Opterons, 128gb RAM, Storage is all on HP MSA2300 FC arrays, about 10TB of data in total. Everything is running on Hyper-V Server 2008r2.

So with all of that out there the question really is:

What software/methods do you use to provide highspeed file uploads/downloads to your clients?

Edit: I'm dealing with mostly non technical end users who all live in the Windows world. So I'd like something browser based with a fairly simplistic user front end. The back end can be as technical as necessary. I think the only real requirements I've got are performance capability of approx 100megabit file transfers, user quotas, and possibly connection throttling.

Best Answer

Have you considered other commercial accelerated file transfer solutions?

Take a look at FileCatalyst it will give you the same speed advantage at a more affordable cost.

You could also look at Signiant on the commercial front.

On the open source side there are also a few options. UDT, Tsunami, GridFTP are all possible options. Also take a look at UFTP as well. I think the problem with these solutions will be the fact that you are dealing with non-technical end users. Perhaps with some scripting and one of those products running in the background you could create a working solutions.

On my blog, I compiled a comparison of all the open source file transfer products and I tried to identify which one will work best in certain situations (ex: high bandwidth, high latency scenario etc)

Here is the link to the blog article:


note: This user is an employee of FileCatalyst.