FileMaker Server not listening on Port 2399 for ODBC/JDBC


I am trying to create a ODBC connection from an OSX machine to a Filemaker server 10 using a DataDirect SeQuel Link 5.5 JDBC drive. I have ODBC/JDBC enabled on the server and I followed all of the instructions to set up JDBC properly (and the connection worked fine a few weeks ago) But now I get a connection refused error.

When I run a netstat -an on the server, it doesn't show that it's listening on port 2399. There is no firewall on the server that would be blocking port 2399. Thanks in advance to any help.

So far I've tried restarting the server software, and restarting the server machine both to no avail.

Update: I asked over here too, and posted some additional information.

Best Answer

It sounds like the server is listening. Are you certain that your TCP connections from the client aren't failing?

I'd start by using TELNET from the client to connect to port 2399 on the server computer and verify that you see an ESTABLISHED TCP connection in netstat on the server. If you don't then it's probably time to fire up tcpdump on the server and see if the client's TCP SYN is ever even getting to the server's network interface.