Find file newer than yesterday using batch script


I am trying to write a batch script that can find the files created/modified/newer since yesterday and/or any specific day from today in a particular folder. Then those files need to be copied to different location.

I tried to use the forfiles command but my XP doesn't have that command.

Any help would be awesome!

Best Answer

You can use Horst Schaeffer's excellent wasfile.exe tool:

for /r c:\particular_folder %i in (*.*) do @wasfile.exe %i created after Today-1 > nul && @copy %i f:\different_location

You can change created and modified per your need:

WasFile, ver. 2.2 (c) 2006-2007, Horst Schaeffer
compares ..
    the time&date of two files (or directories),
    the date only, time ignored
    the date of a file with TODAY-n (days)
    the time&date of a file with NOW-n (minutes)
    WasFile created before
    WasFile modified after today-8
    WasFile File1 [Stamp] [not] before|after|sametime File2 [Stamp] [Option]
    WasFile File1 [Stamp] [not] before|after|sametime today-n [Option]
    WasFile File1 [Stamp] [not] before|after|sametime now-n
Stamp is either:
    created, modified (default) or accessed
    (by default second stamp = first stamp)
Options to compare date only, ignore time:
    /DateLocal or /DateUTC
    (if TODAY is used, default is /DateLocal)
Result by errorlevel:
    0: true, 1: false, 255: error (message to STDERR)

by the way when you put (.), does it mean look for any format/kind of the file? can i just put *.csv instead to search csv file only?

I think you mean (*.*)? Yes, this tells you what set you are interested in. *.csv would isolate just the csv files.

also why are you using @wasfile.exe, nul, @ copy and switch %i (two places)

You might benefit from reading some web sites for background:

Google batch tutorial for more sites.

In a batch file, @command means don't echo the command line to the screen. Otherwise, you will see both what you asked for as well as what the result was. The && means 'process what follows if command is successful' and determines this by errorlevel. If I wanted 'was not successful' I would have used ||.

In this case, you read the code as: Is the file newer than my target date, and if yes (&&) copy it to some location. Don't show me any output from my command ">nul"