Networking – Finding the Best Network Latency Between Two Countries


I know there are many tools to test for bandwidth and latency, but they all rely on having at least one host from which you can run those tests.

I wonder whether there's an online source or some other way to guestimate the latency or speed between two countries (in general).

For example, would a customer in Japan get lower latency if the server is located in Singapore or Australia? Is a user in India likely to get higher download speed from a server in the UK or in the US?

Are there any online resources or some clever ways to answer those questions with a reasonable degree of accuracy?

[UPDATE]: Thanks for the great suggestions from Raffael Luthiger. I didn't know about those looking glass servers. The submarine cable maps were also really cool to discover (Thanks to Jesper Mortensen). Also seems really wise if I could ask those network professional in the area for their experience, but obviously I don't have access to those. At least some of them are on SF 🙂

However, I'm still a little unsure how to combine those resources to give me some measurements. This is the information I have: Two countries (A,B). I do have IP addresses of customers in country A (I can obtain those from the web server log files for example). Presumably I can find some looking glass servers in country B and run a trace to those IPs. What's the best measurements to use? Are there any scripts that help automate at least some of this process?

Best Answer

You won't get this information just on one click. What you can try is to use many different Looking Glass servers and based on the information you get there you get some estimates. Here is a list of some looking glass servers. Another possibility is to use some traceroute servers. I recommend you to google for e.g. some famous newspapers in the regions you want to measure and then do some nslookup and with the IP addresses you get you can do some tests. This could give you some indications, but as Zoredache said it is not very reliable.

UPDATE: I doubt that you can automate those lookups. But maybe you can find a tool on this page.