Firewall – Access to NTP via IP which doesn’t change often


I'm trying to sync the clock of our production server located in a data center with For security reason, our servers has no internet access unless we requested to open specific ip/port explicitly. I worked out a list of IPs based on

Not realizing is using round robin DNS and the servers being voluntary, they changes from time to time. In fact the IP I've got from last month is no longer working now.

I'm wondering if there's a publicly known NTP server that doesn't change as often or if there's a way to go around this without having to request an update to the firewall on a monthly basis. I believe many admin is facing the same issue here.

Best Answer provides a list of primary and secondary time servers. I think it's reasonable to assume these will generally be static addresses, especially compared to the NTP pool which intentionally rotates every hour.

Please note that not all are open/public access and abide by the rules of engagement, which suggest using secondary servers over primary among other things.