Firewall – block all incoming requests with Windows Firewall


For weeks now there's been someone on the company network that thinks it's funny to shut down my computer remotely. All I can say is thank GOD for file recovery otherwise I'd have lost 3 projects worth of code by now.

At this point, I'd like to be able to trace the shutdown request back to it's source, terminate the shutdown request after it's been executed, or completely block all incoming requests on my firewall (except from applications like Outlook, and web browsers), while allowing outgoing requests to pass through at the same time.

At one stage 3 weeks ago, I'd been convinced it was a virus or something and couldn't find any infections, so I re-installed my computer completely… The guy who'd been hassling me then owned up, and, to my knowledge, hasn't done it again (he's still my prime suspect though, but I can't prove anything).

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

This Microsoft article may help you track the shutdown event: