Firewall – Cisco VPN Client on Server 2003 R2


I have Windows Server 2003 installed on a VM and I'm trying to establish a VPN connection using version of the Cisco VPN Client. When I attempt to connect, I am booted out with a "Firewall policy mismatch" error.

From conversations I have had with co-workers, I am guessing that the Cisco client doesn't like the version of the Windows firewall that is packaged with 2K3. Is this actually the case? Is there another firewall product that I can install to get around this problem?

I know that Cisco doesn't officially support server operating systems when using the VPN client, but I have heard that others have been able to successfully use this client in this OS.

EDIT: In case anybody is curious, I have no trouble using this same client/profile in XP.

Best Answer

Your Cisco VPN configuration requires an integrated firewall by policy; that's where the mismatch error is coming from. Problem is Server 2003 only has a very different firewall from 2003 and cisco doesn't think it meets its requirements. You can have the firewall admin (if its not you) disable the firewall policy requirement or you can attempt to enable the built-in firewall through the security configuration wizard in 2003 outlined here ->

Chances are though, you'll need to have the firewall admin disable the firewall requirement on the vpn configuration from the vpn server as the vpn client may not be able to detect the built-in 2003 server firewall.