Firewall – Connected to VPN, can’t access remote computer

firewallnetworkingremote desktopvpn

I have connected to my work's VPN network from my home PC without problem. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get much working beyond that.

For example, at work there's a computer named "Foo". If try to ping "Foo", the name resolves to the correct IP address, but I receive 100% packet loss. Any attempt at establishing a remote desktop connection also fails.

I've completely disabled my firewall at home in an attempt to resolve the problem with no success. My home PC is running Windows Server 2003, and my work PC running Windows XP Professional.

Do any VPN experts have any idea of what might be going on?

Best Answer

I would hazard that this is a routing problem. Either your machine doesn't know how to route to 'Foo' or 'Foo' doesn't know how to route back to your machine.

Checking this would take you looking at the routing table on your local machine by using 'route print' if you are on a windows machine.

The other side of the equation is to look at the routing table of your default router on the corporate network. It should know how to route your machine's VPN IP to the VPN access server.