Firewall – FTP Active/Passive not working like I expect


So I've got an interesting issue at the moment. I'm attempting to use curl (7.15.5 on CentOS) to retrieve a file from a remote FTP server. Our client changed something last weekend, because it worked on Friday and doesn't now.

I can FTP in using the CLI client, and get a directory listing just fine, although I have to issue "passive" to turn passive mode off. If I don't, I get

421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
Passive mode refused.  Turning off passive mode.
No control connection for command: Transport endpoint is not connected

Alright. Obviously, passive mode needs to be disabled. I've read the man page a few times and I understand that I need to use -P to specify "active" mode, however from the documentation it seems like this will open a port on the client (my) machine for the data to stream to. Since it's behind a firewall, this won't work.

This tells me that I misunderstand something, because the CLI client works in active mode.

Help me serverfault-kenobi, you're my only hope.

Best Answer

This link explains Active vs Passive very well.