Firewall – How to determine which firewall ports need opened for web access to a remote system


I am a web developer, and am working with a client who has a web service that is located at a specific IP/URL. Access to this is filtered by a firewall, so we need a few of our local machines and our web server to have access to the remote server. We provided IPs to all of our machines, and the client is asking which ports we need open. At this point I do not know what to say, as my knowledge of server/networking/security ends pretty much here.

Our environments are simple:

3 local development machines running ASP.NET 4.0. The remote service provides the data for the website, so we will simply be making an HTTP POST with a SOAP message and receiving a response.

Our web server is a VPS, and it will also need to be able to hit this secured IP.

My question is this:

How do I find the ports in question that need to be opened up? I suggested 80 (as I assumed this is what was necessary for web traffic), and the network admin indicated concern with open this port for traffic.

Any help is appreciated!

Best Answer

Port 80 is standard for HTTP traffic

Port 443 is standard for HTTPS traffic

If your application runs on these standard ports, that's what you need open. If the administrator on the other end has a problem opening them for some reason, you should ask him to explain why, because it's extremely common.