Firewall – How to open ports on Windows Server 2003 RTM from the command prompt


I want to open the port number 1433 in Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (5.2, Build 3790) without any Service Pack with out having Firewall, exists a way for achieve this via prompt?

EDIT: I dont have Service Pack 1, so I cant use the firewall option in netsh..


Best Answer

If you are running the RTM build you're probably using the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF). KB317530 describes how to open a port if you are using ICF (see step 6).

Edit: I just saw you want to do this via the command line. AFAIK there is no built-in command line interface for ICF. However you could use the Internet Connection Firewall Utility for this. (It's for Windows XP Embedded but it should work on Windows Server 2003.) This MSDN article describes how to use the tool.