Firewall – How to track down what part of pfsense is blocking website access


I've got a PFSense firewall/gateway on our network. Everything works great except for the fact that I cannot access one specific website.

Pfsense is running the following packages

  • Country Block
  • LightSquid
  • nmap
  • notes
  • squid
  • squidGuard
  • Strikeback

I can access every single website I've ever tried aside from one that we need for business use (

here's the traceroute

frodo:~ chase$ traceroute 
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets  
 1  rohan (  6.618 ms  1.662 ms  9.207 ms  
 2  * * *  
 3  * * rohan (  7.225 ms !H  
 4  rohan (  5.314 ms !H 5.701 ms !H  7.573 ms !H  
frodo:~ chase$

How can I figure out what the reason behind the blockage is?

note: this has been tested on every computer on the network with the same results.
ps: the pfsense box is 'rohan' (

Here's what I get with Squid enabled
enter image description here

and here's what I get with Squid disabled
enter image description here

Best Answer

Your traceroute seems to indicate your routing is screwy. Should never see your default gateway as the hop multiple times. Maybe you have a subnet mask that's way out of whack or something similar. What does Diagnostics>Routes show? I doubt you're blocking it, seems more like a routing issue.

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