Firewall – IIS 7: using IP address and port for different sites


I have an IIS7 set up. So far I do not have a domain name for it however we have an IP address.

I want to have just two environments on this server, one for staging and one for production.

Staging – being the area of client testing / area that is pre production, and
production – The final product.

I have been successful so far in creating a binding to port 80 for production(ie the default website) and a binding for staging on 8081.

The production works on localhost and remotely too however the staging(8081) will only work on local host.

I have opened the port 8081 in Windows firewall, but still am unable to access this site from a remote location. Specifically the error i am getting is:

**Oops! This link appears to be broken.**

Best Answer

Besides your Windows Server firewall, is there another firewall (or router) device protecting that server? Did you forget to open and/or forward that port to the server?