Firewall on top of 2 subnets – is that possible


In short

Is it possible to have two seperate networks (seperated by IP addresses and subnet) under one gateway + firewall that is within IP and subnet configuration is on network #1 and still filter inbounding/outbounding traffic to/from network #2?


Gateway + Firewall (m0n0wall software) has internal address with subnet

  • Computers have addresses 192.168.0.x
    with same subnet /24
  • Some devices, are on 192.168.1.x with
    subnet /24

Internally, from computer with address 192.168.1.Y i can access device, ofcourse.

Question is – is it possible to forward some ports from external IP (out of office) to device with IP 192.168.1.X? Will it work if firewall is on "different network"?

So far i have

  • Forwarded port 443 to 192.168.1.X:443
  • Set up firewall rule to fully trust
    all ports inbound & outbound to my
    external IP address.

While trying to connect to Office external IP, port 443

  • In browser i get ERR_TIMED_OUT
  • In office firewall logfile i see that Out of office
    external IP
    , port 1560 allowed to, port 443 TCP
  • Sometimes I also see Out of office
    external IP
    , port 1560 denied to
    Office external IP, port 443 TCP
  • I don't see any answer from
    192.168.1.X in logfile.

If i map 443 to address 192.168.0.X, everything is OK.

What is the problem and how to solve this please?

My suspect is that firewall is not on same subnet. What if i lower subnet number to for firewall to include both networks – will it not break the whole network?

Best Answer

Internally, from computer with address 192.168.1.Y i can access device, ofcourse.

You haven't given us enough detail:

You have two separate logical networks


Your firewall lives in This means that cannot communicate with your firewall without some other part of the picture that I've missed. How does communicate with your firewall? Your must either have:

  • a secondary interface on the m0n0wall which also has an address on
  • a router in between the two networks
  • have a network bridge or some device doing NAT between the two networks

You'll need to fill us in on what part of the puzzle we're missing here.