Firewall – PF firewall on FreeBSD for allowing SSH and OpenVPN Traffic


I'm trying to create a simple ansible template for the packet filter on FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE. I have vtnet0 (public), vtnet1 (private, 10.10 address) and tun0 (openvpn, fully working/tested from a client to nodes on my network).

My rc.conf looks like the following:

ifconfig_vtnet0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"
ifconfig_vtnet1="inet netmask"

My cloud provider gives me ipv4/ipv6 public addresses via DHCP.

I've looked at the FreeBSD docs and other ansible playbooks and came up with this basic pf.conf:

block all
set skip on lo0
set skip on tun0
pass out all keep state
tcp_services = "{ ssh }"
udp_services = "{ openvpn }"
pass in proto tcp to any port $tcp_services keep state
pass in proto udp to any port $udp_services keep state

However with this configuration, I block all ssh and openvpn access and have to login to my box via the VM web console.

My goal is for this box to only allow in openvpn (udp) and ssh from the public interface, allow all traffic over the vpn (tun0) and all traffic from internal.

Best Answer

Setting up pf may be a bit of a hassle. You need to understand that pf treats all interfaces absolutely equally and there is no concept of packets originating on the box itself as there is in iptables -- OUTPUT chain. I would start with something along these lines and build on that:

# allow all from host itself
pass out inet all keep state
pass out inet6 all keep state
# allow all from private
pass in quick on vtnet1 inet from any to any keep state
# openvpn
pass in quick proto udp to vtnet0 port openvpn keep state
pass in quick on tun0 inet from any to any keep state
# ssh
pass in quick proto tcp to vtnet0 port ssh flags S/SA keep state

Warning: Don't use standard openvpn and ssh ports.

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