Setting Up pfSense as Transparent Firewall – DHCP Issue


I followed the directions to set up pfsense in bridged / transparent mode per the instructions at

However I can not get a dhcp address from my internet router.

It works fine if I set my machine to a static address – I have internet connectivity.

But if I set to dhcp, I never get an address. I can get an address fine if I plug directly in to the WAN side of the network.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Part of DHCP is broadcast traffic.

Relevant excerpt from pfsense forums:

Since around 1.2.1-RC1 when you bridge an interface, pfSense (correctly, but silently) blocks broadcast traffic between the interfaces.

Firewall rule recommended to add:

UDP * 67 - 68 * 67 - 68 * pass dhcp traffic

You may also have issues with UPNP and other broadcast traffic if your use is across the bridge. (Print server or network shared drive on router.)

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