Firewall – Routing between multiple Mikrotik Firewalls


I have 2 Miktorik RouterBoards, an RB1100 and a RB951G. The 951G is acting as my Wireless box, and has Guest, Internal and Internet Only Wireless networks. The RB1100 has 3 WAN connections (2×150/10Mb Cable modems and a 70/20Mb VDSL modem) and does Load Balancing, firewalling, etc, for the whole network.

The RB1100 is on network and the 951 has 3 address ranges:

  • Guest ->
  • Internal ->
  • Internet Only ->

The idea is that guest is firewalled big time (limited bandwidth, limited sites, etc) which i have working with the help of the hotspot.

  • Internet Only should only be routed to the internet, possibly limiting some ports, and should not see anything on the network.
  • Internal should have access to both the internet and also the network, and anything on the network should be able to see the network also…

I Had the Internet Only part working to an extent, but accidentally cleared my router config (doh) but i never managed to setup the Internal network correctly…

Currently i have NAT enabled and that allows me to see all machines on the network from the 88.0/24 network, but 0.0/24 cannot see 88.0/24 network…

I know i need to do something with routes, but even when i had that, something was not allowing me to see machines (laptop on wifi could not see desktop on wired).

So, Where am i going wrong?

Again, sorry i cant post the exact config… lost it in a firewall rule screw up…

Best Answer

Ok, thanks to DKNUKLES for his answer, but the problem was more a configuration problem on my end... I ended up adding 2 routing items to the routers, one on the 1100 and one on the 951. the 951 said to route all traffic ( to the RB1100. the RB1100 had a route to point all traffic to the IP of the 951. but still no joy...

the problem was my pre-routing. since i have multiple WAN connections and since my pre-routing did round robin, all traffic on my network was being routed to one of the WAN ports, if it was not for the network. So, at the end of my pre-routing block, i added a rule, any traffic going to with a connection-mark was cleared of its connection mark. this by-passed the loadbalancing rules and allows the traffic to go in the correct area... I realized it could be something like that when running traceroute. from one of the non WiFi connected machines to a WiFi connected machine, i was being routed out to one of my modems... Anyway, all fixed... I can now get to machines from the network and they can see machines in the network. happy days!