Firewall – SNMP being blocked by Windows 2008 Firewall even after firewall exceptions added


I have a few Windows 2008 servers that I'm trying to setup SNMP monitoring.

I have installed and configured the SNMP service. I have also turned on the exceptions from SNMP and SNMP Traps in the Windows Firewall exception list. However, SNMP traffic is still being blocked.

If I turn off the Windows firewall completely then the SNMP requests work fine.

Is there a known problem with the SNMP and SNMP Trap exception check boxes in the Windows Firewall settings? Is there another place that I need to configure to allow this traffic?

I know that the SNMP community strings are configured correctly (I have doubled checked, and everything works when the firewall is turned off).

Any ideas?


Best Answer

Some quick Googling seems to reveal that this is a bit of a known issue. I haven't found a workaround yet.

EDIT: I am assuming you've added an exception for UDP/161, just like the guy in that forum post.

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