Firewall – TCP firewall allows connection to external server but blocks response packets


Consider this basic network setup:

Client -> Router -> "Internet" -> Router -> Server

Problem: the client can open a connection to the server and send data ("request"), but the server data packets ("response") can not be sent to the client.

It looks like a firewall problem. I assume that a packet filter could be the reason, filtering out only the response packets. Is there a technical term for this filter type?

Best Answer

Not exactly, it could be the firewall on the client router not allowing the required ports into the local network, the server's firewall stopping the outgoing packets or the servers router blocking the outgoing packets.

If the routers are blocking it it's still a firewall's packet filter. If the client or server are blocking it they will be doing so with the firewall's packet filtering.

It could also be a routing issue.

I hope that helps.