Firewall – Tracking changes to firewall configs


Myself and one other indivdual will be taking over some of the daily firewall management duties soon and I'm looking for a way to track changes on our firewall configurations for auditing purposes and need some ideas on a good way to track changes the changes that are made.

I don't have a lot of specific criteria but here are some of the basic things I would like to be able to do:

  • Access to previous revisions of firewall configs
  • Access to changes made and by whom
  • When specific changes were made

I'm wondering if some sort of revision control software would work here as a way to track the the changes? Or if some other approach would work better for managing the change control in this situation.

I'm open to any and all suggestions at this point.


We are using a Checkpoint pair, one passive one active configuration. I will update again with specific model numbers when I get a chance.

Best Answer

There is actual an article today at that talks about firewall auditing. While I know this isn't exactly what you were asking for, there are some tools towards the bottom that they reference that may help you out.

  • Nipper
  • Firemon Security Manager (This one does configuration management.)

While both of those are paid for products, you could use your own in house solution with some basic scripts. RANCID basically does diffs of various config files. Since Checkpoint supports the backing up of the config in text format, you can schedule this and then have a basic script that diffs the results and shows you the differences. Along with that, you can simply pull the audit logs to tie together who made the changes when diffs occurred.

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