Firewall – UFW blocking webrick on port 3000


On a ubuntu 10.0.4 server runs redmine. starting webrick with:

./server webrick -e production -b -d

makes redmine available in browser. as soon as we enable ufw, webrick can´t be accessed anymore.
of course we allowed Port 3000 from anywhere

ufw allow 3000/tcp
ufw allow 3000/udp

find the whole iptables output here


lsof -ni tcp:2222

tells me ruby is listening on port 3000

ruby    3457 root    5u  IPv4 864846667      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)

What else can we check? what´s wrong with the ufw rules for port 3000?

Best Answer

Typically, ufw will block input that isn't specifically allowed. It sounds like you "allow 3000/tcp" isn't taking affect. Take a look at ufw's status with

ufw status verbose

Make sure it says "Status: Active" and note the default policy (typically "Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing)").

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