Firewall – Using a nat rule to translate 80/443 traffic to web server, but internal users cannot access it using external ip/domain name


I am using Cisco ASDM for ASA

I have my internal network called soa. My outside interface is called outside. Let's say my outside IP given to me by my ISP isp is y.y.y.y I have a web server inside my network with a static ip of x.x.x.110. I have configured 2 static nat rules (one for http the other for https).

Source is x.x.x.110. Interface is outside, service (http or https).

Maybe I am doing this wrong, but when I run the packet tracer, I choose outside interface and for the source IP I used and the destination ip is my outside IP address, y.y.y.y

When I run that, it shows the packet traversing successfully, using 9 steps.

For my other test, I switch to the soa interface, input an ip on that network, and leave the destination the same. This test comes up with 2 steps and then fails on my access list.

When I see the rule that fails, it is my catch all which is source: any desitnation: any, service: ip action: deny.

What rule do I need to make to allow my soa network access to go out and come back in by my external IP addess (using a domain name attached to that ip in my dns, of course)?

Best Answer

Not sure about Cisco, but on Linux and *BSD this wont work. Even when you try to connect to the external address from the internal network, the packet never passes the external interface as the kernel is too clever, notices his own address and consumes the packet. As the packet never travels through your external interface, the NAT rule for port-forwarding never applies.

Read for some (BSD-biased) docs on this.