Watchguard Firewall – Troubleshooting SSLVPN Issues


I have a client who has a WatchGuard XTM 23 device on site as their primary firewall. I just upgraded its firmware a couple days ago to the latest version for that series, 11.6.6.

The problem is that I haven't successfully been able to setup a VPN connection for them.

Using the instructions at, I'm trying to setup a VPN with SSL connection:
From the firewall web GUI / Dashboard, I go to VPN -> Mobile VPN with SSL, I enable it, add the organization's public IP address to which the firewall is connected. I've setup a group in Active Directory named "SSLVPN-Users", verified that the WatchGuard box can talk to the Active Directory Server, and added myself to that group.

I then downloaded the WatchGuard Mobile VPN with SSL client onto my own Windows 7 machine, walked to the client's 2nd building across the street (which has a different public internet connection), and tried to connect to the VPN.

When I do try to connect with the client, I get the following errors:

2013-06-24T15:41:32.119 Launching WatchGuard Mobile VPN with SSL client. Version 11.6.0 (Build 343814)  Built:Jun 13 2012 01:42:55
2013-06-24T15:41:37.595 Requesting client configuration from
2013-06-24T15:41:50.106 FAILED:Cannot perform http request, timeout 12002
2013-06-24T15:41:50.106 failed to get domain name

I discovered today the Firebox System Manager, and its "Traffic Monitor" which gives current log information (refreshes every 5 seconds). Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the client has setup any sort of WatchGuard / Firebox logging server, so actually recording server-side logs to file hasn't been done. I can work on implementing that if I need to.

I noticed that if I try to ping the client's public IP address from an outside source, I don't get a response back (unless I added a policy into the firewall to allow ICMP traffic from "External", which I successfully did a few seconds ago for testing purposes – that rule has since been reverted to not respond to external ping requests).

There's a policy in the firewall for allowing SSLVPN Traffic authentication requests coming from any external source TO the Firebox, and then to do the authentication / actually allow the VPN traffic, there's a policy allowing traffic for anyone in the SSLVPN-Users group to flow between that user and the inside network.

So my questions are:

  1. Has anyone seen these errors before from the Watchguard VPN Client, and/or do you have any suggestions on how I can resolve that error?
  2. If I need to setup logging server to grab the firewall logs (in order to further troubleshoot this issue), how complicated a task is that and does it require a lot of system resources? The organization I'm consulting with only has 1 server and not a lot of resources or technical know-how.

Best Answer

Every time I run into this the fix is usually use Even if your policy says to use port 22 or 443 you must still append the :4100 after just like your downloading the SSLVPN client.