Firewall – Why does Terminal Services open WMI, RPC, and NB ports in the firewall


After adding the Remote Desktop Session Host roll to a server the following firewall rules get created and are enabled by default.

Name                                 Group                Profile    Enabled    Action    Override    Program                              Local Address    Remote Address    Protocol    Local Port             Remote Port   Allowed Users    Allowed Computers    
Terminal Services - WMI (DCOM-In)    Terminal Services    All        Yes        Allow     No          %systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe    Any              Any               TCP         135                    Any           Any              Any    
Terminal Services - WMI (TCP-In)     Terminal Services    All        Yes        Allow     No          %systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe    Any              Any               TCP         RPC Dynamic Ports      Any           Any              Any    
Terminal Services (NP-In)            Terminal Services    All        Yes        Allow     No          System                               Any              Any               TCP         445                    Any           Any              Any    
Terminal Services (RPC)              Terminal Services    All        Yes        Allow     No          %systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe    Any              Any               TCP         RPC Dynamic Ports      Any           Any              Any    
Terminal Services (RPC-EPMAP)        Terminal Services    All        Yes        Allow     No          %systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe    Any              Any               TCP         RPC Endpoint Mapper    Any           Any              Any    

What is Terminal Services doing that it requires WMI, RPC, and NetBIOS to be enabled?

Best Answer

Based on a cursory Google search, it looks like it's related to communication with a RDS License server and for remote management of the RDS role.