Firewall – Will firewalls block the non-HTTP network protocol even if I use TCP port 80


I want to create a simple JSON-based protocol to allow my game to talk to my custom server, but I don't want embed it in HTTP.

If I send a custom text-based protocol request to my server on port 80, will firewalls block it for not using HTTP format, or do they only care about the port number?

I won't use the same server as a web server, so I don't care about losing port 80 for real web serving.

As a bit of clarification, I am mainly concerned with the typical home firewalls that most people might have, not a high-end corporate firewall.

Best Answer

Topic firewalls only do blocking based on port number. However, application layer firewalls (17 filter, wfilter enterprise) do blocking based on protocol patterns.

So if your firewall is an application layer firewall, your chatting program will not work.