Firewall – Windows Firewall 2008 Server – Allow only given IP in, block all others


I've got a Windows 2008 Server. It has the built-in windows firewall on it. I've played around with the Advanced settings where I can setup inbound/outbound rules, but it doesn't appear that I can create a rule that would say "Block All incoming traffic except traffic coming from this IP address"

I created a rule that Blocks All, but there's no way that I've found to create a rule that will "override" the block rule and allow 1 or more IP's to get in.

I accomplished this on a Win2k box using IPSEC, but it seems that IPSEC is now built-in to windows firewall.

Any tips?

Best Answer

Ok, so this ended up being a dumb question.

By default, anything that does not have a rule is automatically blocked by the built-in firewall in Windows server 2008. So to make this work, all I needed to do was add a rule specifically allowing the IP address to get in.