Firewall – Windows Server 2008 firewall rules order problem


I have one rule that opens FTP port for all connections.

I have second rule that blocks ALL connections on ALL protocols for some IP's.

However, connections from those IP's that are blocked can still connect to FTP port because that rule obviously takes preccedence.

How can I make this work, because I do not see how can I adjust order of rules on Windows Firewall.

Best Answer

Microsoft over the years has had security (be it file ACLs or firewall) where more specific rules override less specific rules - Instead of prioritization - So it would be reasonable to expect firewall is the same way - On file ACLs there's no prioritization - The logic is explained well in the Resource Kit - I remember seeing both the ordering AND logic for why this works better than prioritization for rules in one of the old resource kits (not sure what windows version).

One problem with firewalls with prioritization rules is I could accidentally put allow all at the higher priority and break my whole chain of rules. The same could happen here but it would be a little less likely IMHO.