Firewall – With SonicWall, cannot access URL inside network


We have a website running on port 80 on our network. Port 80 is forwarded outside of the network, and it is accessible through a URL that points to the IP or the IP itself.

However, inside the network, it is not possible to access the external domain/IP address. It's possible to use the local I.P. address. For example, the web server can be accessed by using, but not works from an external network.

This is likely due to a rule in SonicWall. We are using Sonicwall TZ 215 and I am not sure what rules would allow for this access.

Let me know if I need to provide more information. Currently, there is a rule set from WAN to LAN to allow it to be accessed out of the network. I have tried some other rules, but have not found what works.

Best Answer

You need what's commonly called a "hairpin NAT" rule. You redirect internal users who are trying to reach the public IP back inside the network to the local IP.

In the sonicwall NAT rules, you'll need a rule like this:

Original Source              Translated Source       Original Destination      Translated Destination      Service
Local Subnets (or similar)   Original                <WAN IP of DNS entry>     <LAN IP of server>          Port 80

Something like this: Sonicwall Add NAT Rule

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