Fixing an IP conflict


I tried to static box on our network. Win Server 2003 tells me, intermittently, that I have an IP conflict. I have the box that originally had this IP sitting next to me, unplugged and off. I moved the new box to a different IP, and the first IP, that Windows said was in use, is not ping-able. NMAP shows nothing. Any ideas how to find it?

Starting Nmap 4.11 ( ) at
2009-08-11 12:28 EDT All 1680 scanned
ports on are filtered

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host
up) scanned in 1713.025 seconds

Best Answer

Check the event log, usually there is an entry with the hardware address of the offending machine. Once you have the hardware address simply track that down using your switches or your inventory database.

If you are doing any bonding/teaming/fault tolerance with the nics on your server you'll want to check that too. I have seen issues where the teaming tools cause the system to conflict with itself. Check that your network drivers are up-to-date and everything is configured correctly.

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