Fixing USB disk mount point in Fedora 18


I use Bacula for my backups, with data spooled to one of two USB drives (the other is stored off site, and they get swapped occasionally). Currently these drives are labelled BACKUP5 and BACKUP6.

Until last week I was using Fedora 17, which mounts USB drives in /media/$LABEL. So I just told bacula-sd that it should look for either /media/BACKUP5 or /media/BACKUP6, with a little script to switch over when I swap the disks. But I've just upgraded to Fedora 18, and it now mounts USB drives in /run/media/$USER/$LABEL. So the mount point varies depending on who is logged in, or something.

Is there any way of telling udisks to have a special mount point for USB media labelled "BACKUP*"?

Best Answer

I ran a Gnome utility (sorry, can't now remember which one) that added the following line to my /etc/fstab:

/dev/disk/by-label/BACKUP6 /media/BACKUP6 auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,noauto 0 0

I have to admit, I didn't know about the /dev/disk hierarchy. It contains symbolic links to all the disk devices by label, UUID, ID and path.

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