Following migration (Server 2003 to 2008), File Services is SLOW; any idea why


Okay – the run-down:


  • Brought a new Dell rack-mount server up, running Server 2008 Standard x64.
  • All Windows updates, File Services role added; everything completed without issue. Installed FS using 2003 and indexing option, not Windows Search Services.
  • Installed Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.6000.645 (AV only – no NTP or email or anything).
  • Robocopied all existing shares from the server (running 2003) and verified them on the 2008 rig (no issues).
  • Deallocated and switched off the 2003 server; renamed the 2008 server to the 2003 server's former network name.

Shortly after migration, users complained of epic slowness. I changed the 2008 server to use WSS instead of 2003/indexing, restarting afterward. Still no joy. I've worked at it all week, trying different options out on the Internet-at-large.

THINGS I'VE TRIED (to no avail)

  • Disabling SMB 2.0 on the server, leaving 1.0 active.
  • Disabling SMB 1.0 on the server, leaving 2.0 active.
  • Disabling SMB on the server, leaving neither version active (NetBIOS only, I guess?).
  • Updating SEP to latest (11.0.7000.975).
  • Uninstalling SEP altogether.
  • Enabling/disabling IPv6 binding.
  • Disabling TCP Offload at the NIC (both IPv4 and IPv6)
  • Pretty much anything I found while hunting the Internets for solutionbeasts.

We have a mixed bag of clients, mostly XP, with some Win7 thrown in (all standard versions, pretty sure all are x86). I can open everything without issue, both from my Win7 (x86) laptop (my standard work machine) and from my XP VM x86 test machine (out on an ESX server). The only difference I can find (that seems like it would matter) is that my stuff is all on one subnet, while the other client machines are on another (x.x.1.x versus x.x.2.x).

I don't understand where the slowness comes from. Certainly, the 2003 server didn't have this problem or the users would've already complained. Any ideas or direction from the one community I trust to actually solve problems would be awesome.

And – I'll apologize in advance if there's actually a thread somewhere that answers just this issue; I just couldn't find it (but not for lack of trying). Thanks, in advance, all.

Best Answer

So, while it's not a total solution, here's the end to this particular episode:

  • used netsh commands to disable all but the TCP chimney (including setting ctcp to "none")
  • enabled all of the options for the network card (QoS, Link-layer stuff, IPv6... most of which were previously disabled), installed latest driver for the same from DELL, and configured the throughput to 100MB/s Full (was previously "auto").
  • Restarted the box.

Most of the changes we made were in relation to another 2008 server we have on the network (my boss had forgotten that he added it) which we used for testing. We had no issues between that box to the user clients, so we did what we could to mirror the configuration on the problem box.

One thing we encountered with the problem box, seemingly at random, was a "BOOTMGR is missing" issue following one of the restarts (after an individual change with a netsh command). I resolved that in the "normal" way: I used the Server 2008 DVD and the recovery tools to resurrect the boot manager.

All things considered, the "solution" feels like a dirty hackjob, but the users feel like it's no longer crap-slow. Ridiculous.

Any other direction or answers are appreciated. I don't feel like this should be marked as an answer, since it really isn't an answer; however, it didn't really feel like an edit either (since I made changes outside of the original question).

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