Force DHCP Reservation Updates to Secondary DHCP Server in Windows Server 2012 R2

dhcpload balancingwindows-server-2012-r2

I have setup and configured two DHCP servers on my private network in load balancing mode as outlined in the following technet article:

Both VM's are running Windows Server 2012 R2. Since the both DHCP servers are configured in load balancing mode, each VM on the network will get an IP from either of the 2 DHCP servers depending on the load of each.

The problem i'm having is that when i goto configure a reservation on DHCP server #1, the reservation entry doesn't automatically get pushed and updated to the secondary server. I'm trying to set a reservation for one of my VM's on DHCP server #1, but since its getting the IP from DHCP server #2, it doesn't get the proper IP i set in the reservation on DHCP server #1, so DHCP server #2 just gives it a random IP from the pool configured in the scope, and not what i set in the reservation.

My question is:

Is there a way to manually force DHCP reservation changes / updates on DHCP server #1 to DHCP Server #2 so that both servers are in sync with each other? Because right now when i create the reservation on DHCP Server #1, it doesn't automatically get pushed to DHCP server #2.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Best Answer

Thank you for the answer, but I think i found the option i was looking for after digging around a bit.

In the DHCP manager, if you right click on the Scope, there is an option to 'Replicate Scope'. When i chose this option on DHCP Server #1, it appeared to replicate all the current scope settings over to DHCP Server #2, including the reservations i added.

So i think this may be the correct way to do this (please correct me if i'm wrong here), as it seemed to do what i was looking for.

I also found this powershell script that may be useful as well, but haven't tried it out, but might help others who look into this:

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