Foreman – Match has already been taken


Foreman Version 1.6.3

When I try to edit one of my hosts – change hostgroup – I get the following error:

Validation failed: Match has already been taken
app/models/concerns/host_common.rb:48:in `block in lookup_values_attributes='
app/models/concerns/host_common.rb:41:in `each_value'
app/models/concerns/host_common.rb:41:in `lookup_values_attributes='
app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb:113:in `block in update'
app/models/taxonomy.rb:52:in `block in no_taxonomy_scope'
app/models/taxonomy.rb:59:in `block (2 levels) in as_taxonomy'
app/models/concerns/foreman/thread_session.rb:148:in `as_location'
app/models/taxonomy.rb:58:in `block in as_taxonomy'
app/models/concerns/foreman/thread_session.rb:113:in `as_org'
app/models/taxonomy.rb:57:in `as_taxonomy'
app/models/taxonomy.rb:51:in `no_taxonomy_scope'
app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb:105:in `update'
app/models/concerns/foreman/thread_session.rb:33:in `clear_thread'
lib/middleware/catch_json_parse_errors.rb:9:in `call' 


Started PUT "/hosts/puppet-app01" for at 2015-03-05 11:51:32 +0100
Processing by HostsController#update as */*
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"/IYvSEW5JWu2dasdadL1Z/6fpjeMLojOFc0I+BIfY=", "host"=>{"name"=>"puppet-app01", "hostgroup_id"=>"", "environment_id"=>"7", "puppet_ca_proxy_id"=>"1", "puppet_proxy_id"=>"2", "config_group_ids"=>[""], "puppetclass_ids"=>["", "339", "293", "348", "349"], "managed"=>"f", "progress_report_id"=>"[FILTERED]", "lookup_values_attributes"=>"[FILTERED]", "is_owned_by"=>"5-Users", "enabled"=>"1", "comment"=>"", "overwrite"=>"false"}, "id"=>"puppet-app01"}
Operation FAILED: Validation failed: Match has already been taken
  Rendered common/500.html.erb (3.7ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 25ms (Views: 4.3ms | ActiveRecord: 3.5ms)

I get the same error every time I try to edit any parameter on this host. It started to happen after I assigned a class and removed it from this host.

This is my production environment and must be fixed ASAP.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Now I'm more than sure my question wasn't silly at all and jmp242's comment was nothing else but a silly workaround proposition. No offence! :P Anyway, it was my own fault HOWEVER caused by a strange behavior of Foreman web interface.

I was setting 2 matchers on 3 params in a class for 2 hosts. I set the first one for both hosts, then second and third. When I went back to the first param just to see if everything is fine before I submit changes I found out that it is set only for one host and not both. So, what have I done? I've set it one more time :)

That was "my" mistake! I was debugging this case by comparing in debug mode the same request on two hosts, the bad one and the good one. I found out that on the bad one "validation" transaction begins and is being rollbacked. I run manually each select query that was executed and discovered that this one is giving me back 1 row instead of 0:

SELECT 1 AS one FROM "lookup_values" WHERE ("lookup_values"."match" = 'fqdn=puppet-app01' AND "lookup_values"."id" != 39 AND "lookup_values"."lookup_key_id" = 1153) LIMIT 1;

I checked what is what and that way found out that there was a conflict in class params. Anyway, when I go to Puppet classes - MyClass - Smart Class Parameters - MyParam, I see one matcher! Than I click on another param and go back to the first one - I see both :) Strange, isn't it!? :)

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