Foreman/Puppet: Add User to sudoers with a module


I would like to improve my skills in Foreman and Puppet. To do so I would like to get some easy tasks done.

In my configuration all servers belonging to host group "Basic" should get a basic setup – including adding a new user and adding this to the sudsers-file.

To do so I'm using example42/sudo

Now I would like to add a user by adding a file to the directory /etc/sudoers.d/.

The documentation tells me to use sudo::directive.

This is an example:

sudo::directive { 'jenkins':
  content => "jenkins ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/puppi \n", # Double quotes and newline (\n) are needed here

Now my question is: I know how to add a class to a host group. I also know how to override params.

My current configuration for the host group "Basis" looks like this:

Foreman config

But how can I use sudo::directive in Foreman?

Best Answer

External Node Classifiers such as Foreman are not meant to allow you to declare individual resources directly. You can do a couple of things:

  • define global variable values
  • declare classes
  • define class parameter values

Since the module you are using does not offer a class parameter that takes a hash value to describe some initial resources, you cannot do this with the ENC directly.

You could build a custom module that takes a hash value and declares sudo::directive resources for you using create_resources.

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