Forwarder DNS not resolving reverse lookups


I have created one new DNS server in lab and its working properly.
Earlier we were using another DNS server for lab PC's as 10.20.30.xx. which is outside the lab premises.
now issue with newly created as its not resolving query as previous. I am told by some to use forwarder option for this. By adding the below option in named.conf only forward lookups is working.

zone "" IN {
      type forward;
      forward only;
      forwarders { 10.20.30.XX; };

zone "" IN {
       type forward;
       forward only;
       forwarders { 10.20.30.xx };

Reverse lookups not working and getting the error as
** server can't find NXDOMAIN

Can anyone explain why this is not working?

Best Answer

An error message of NXDOMAIN suggests that your DNS server is able to look up the zone. This could mean a few things:

  1. You are not actually querying the server that you provided us the configuration for, and the query is "leaking" out onto the internet and hitting IANA's blackhole servers. Please show us the full output of dig -x 10.20.30.XX, the output of the AUTHORITY section should contain a hint.
  2. Your server is configured correctly but the forwarder does not contain a PTR record you're looking up. dig @ip_of_forwarder +norecurse -x 10.20.30.XX should reveal this.

This is the most information we're going to be able to provide you without additional details. Also, I highly recommend reading What information should I include or obfuscate in my posts? and reconsidering the amount of information you're obfuscating. It makes it very difficult to determine whether you're unintentionally doing something wrong.

  • Try to obfuscate less. You're using 10.20.30.XX for both your forwarder and the IP address you're trying to look up.
  • Show us the commands you're running, not just their output.
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