Forwarding mail from Exchange 2003 to Postfix


This has been kicking my butt for some time now and i'm reaching out for help.
Here is the scenario:
There is 1 Exchange 2003 server which lives on It has 1 SMTP Virtual server and 1 SMTP Connector. The connector is configured to forward all mail through an external spam filter.

What I am looking to do is setup a ticket system (JIRA), which will live in a virtual machine on the same LAN as Exchange and should receive only internal mail destined for So i will have a distribution list on exchange – which will have a contact member From what i've read i need another SMTP connector configured on exchange in order to process outgoing mail destined for Postfix will be the receiving mail server for
So far, i am struggling to see any indication of mail being routed to Postfix, but there are no bounces. Please let me know what you think.
Here is my attempt at a diagram 🙂

Problem: I am unable to get exchange to forward to postfix.

Question: What is the best way to verify that exchange is actually trying to deliver the message to Postfix and does not drop it?

Question #2: In the descried scenario, would exchange be considered a "relay" for postfix?
Thanks so much in advance!

Exchange is configured to send email via a smarthost

Best Answer

A couple of things:

  1. Exchange Server 2003 isn't automatically authoritative for subdomains, which is what is.

  2. There are a few different ways to accomplish what you need, detailed here:

A third method, which I think is easier would be:

  1. Create an internal DNS zone for

  2. Create an A record for the Postfix server in the zone.

  3. Create an MX record in the zone that points to the Postfix A record.

This method leaves your Exchange server unencumbered regarding the Recipient Policy and SMTP connector. I think this is cleaner and simpler. The only caveat is if you have an external subdomain in the DNS zone for jira ( then internal resolution of DNS RR's for are going to break.