Forwarding VPN traffic to Squid proxy

amazon ec2amazon-amisoftethersquidvpn

I am using SoftEther as a VPN and Squid for proxy.

I want to forward this VPN to proxy and then to internet.

My basic requirement is like this.

               internet access log

So far I have configured SofteEther VPN and it works as a normal vpn,
Squid is installed in server and it works when connected as a normal proxy.

I have tried to set iptables rules to forward vpn traffic to squid( ie from port 80 to 3128[squid listening port]), but it didn't worked.

I am not a well experienced person in this area, So I request you to help me find what I am doing wrong(or please let me know if this is not possible).

VPN and Squid is configured in Amazon EC2.

Best Answer

I have this set up actually, took me a while to set up too...

If you're using OpenVPN you can use my up/down script for OpenVPN/squid. You'll also need to set up BIND to go thru the VPN too:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [ "$status" = "up" ]; then
        echo "tcp_outgoing_address $ip" > "$configdir_squid/tcp_outgoing_address.conf"
        echo "http_access allow localnet" > "$configdir_squid/http_access.conf"
        echo "query-source address $ip;" > "$configdir_bind/query_source.conf"
        echo "" > "$configdir_squid/tcp_outgoing_address.conf"
        echo "http_access deny localnet" > "$configdir_squid/http_access.conf"
        echo "" > "$configdir_bind/query_source.conf"

systemctl restart named squid transmission-daemon

Then create a folder, called proxyoff inside /etc/squid. Then set up the scripts in OpenVPN:

up "/opt/scripts/ up"
down "/opt/scripts/ down"

You'll need IPtables rules which control communication from squid and bind (you'll need to set up static routes for your VPN provider):

-A vyprvpn-only -o lo -j ACCEPT
-A vyprvpn-only -d, ! -o tun1 -j ACCEPT
-A vyprvpn-only ! -o tun1 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-unreachable
-A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner transmission -j vyprvpn-only
-A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner squid -j vyprvpn-only
-A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner named -j vyprvpn-only

Add somewhere at the bottom of your http_access rules in squid, but BEFORE http_access deny all:

include /etc/squid/proxyoff/http_access.conf

Also add, after http_port or after your http_access rules:

include /etc/squid/proxyoff/tcp_outgoing_address.conf

Set your nameservers so that they reflect a DNS server on the LAN which will go through the VPN or to an internet DNS server which'll go through the DNS by the iptables rules:

dns_v4_first on

For example, I have my dns_nameservers as 3 Windows DNS servers which handle AD and then send any queries they don't know, back to BIND servers running on the same servers as the VPN.

Add a gateway failure for the localnet ACL in squid or rename the ACL and the ACL in the scripts:

deny_info ERR_GATEWAY_FAILURE localnet

Then just set up a proxy autoconfig:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
    var proxy_on = "PROXY; PROXY";
    var proxy_off = "DIRECT";
    var network = "";
    var subnet = "";

    var proxy_bypass = new Array(
        "pyronexus.lan", "*.pyronexus.lan",
        "", "*",
        "", "*",
        "", "*",
        "", "*",
        "", "*",
        "", "*",
        // Banks
        "", "*",
        "", "*",
        "", "*",
        "", "*",
        "", "*",
        "", "*"

    var blockedsites = new Array(
        "", "*",
        "", "*"

    // Blocked websites (block them in the proxy server configuration to prevent circumvention
    for (var i = 0; i < blockedsites.length; i++) {
        if (shExpMatch(host, blockedsites[i])) {
            return "proxy";

    // Below here evaluates the above.
    // Bypass proxy for local web servers in the same subnet as the client.
    if (isInNet(host, network, subnet)) {
        return proxy_off;

    // Bypass proxy for those listed under proxy_bypass.
    for (var i = 0; i < proxy_bypass.length; i++) {
        if (shExpMatch(host, proxy_bypass[i])) {
            return proxy_off;

    // Everything else not caught by the above, should be checked to see if it is HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
    // before sending to a proxy server.
    if (shExpMatch(url, "http:*") ||
        shExpMatch(url, "https:*") ||
        shExpMatch(url, "ftp:*")) {
            return proxy_on;

    // Finally, send all other requests direct.
    return proxy_off;

Add this to /etc/named.conf under options (add forwarders to internet DNS servers but delete the root hints):

include "/etc/named/query_source.conf";

Add the VPN's IP to /etc/hosts:

And add the route:

ip route add via dev eth0

You can see some of my other guides about proxying at

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