Freebsd – Create a rule using shell in fresh pfSense installation to open up WAN access to WebConfigurator


I am in a situation where I require WAN access to be opened up to the WebConfigurator through pfSense because I do not have another node connected to the same network to access WebConfigurator from the inside. Ideally I would like to just do this in shell and either directly modify pf's config to "allow all" just long enough for me to open up WAN access to WebConfigurator from my IP, or modify config.xml to add that rule manually. Does anybody have any insight into how to accomplish this?

Best Answer

Try this on the shell to disable PF temporarily:

pfctl -d

Then once you are able to login and create the rules turn PF back on with:

pfctl -e

I've had to do exactly what you describe before when I locked myself out remotely.