Apache 2.2 – Fixing ‘dataready’ Accept Filter Enablement Failure


I'm not sure why, but I'm getting this warning when I start my apache…

su-3.2# /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start
[Wed Sep 23 13:40:42 2009] [warn] (2)No such file or directory: Failed to enable the 'dataready' Accept Filter
su-3.2# grep accf /boot/loader.conf 
su-3.2# kldstat | grep accf
 3    1 0xffffffff80ce9000 7d0      accf_data.ko
 4    1 0xffffffff80cea000 14d8     accf_http.ko
su-3.2# uname -a
FreeBSD dd.alexus.org 7.2-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p1 #7: Sat Jun 27 02:42:30 UTC 2009     alexus@dd.alexus.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64

Best Answer

Looks like your apache httpd is not looking for the httpready Accept Filter, it is looking for dataready filter. I have no idea why. (Wild guess is that your are using mod_ftp.)

try this:

kldload accf_data.ko

or this in loader.conf:
