Freebsd – Increase/refresh the size of the FreeBSD’s main partition

freebsdhard drivepartitionvirtualbox

I am using VirtualBox and have my FreeBSD mounted on a virtual drive, which recently ran out of space (10 GB) so I have increased the Virtual Drive size up to the 15 GB – started my FreeBSD and its still out of space, because it doesnt "refresh" the main partition size:

# df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ada0p2    9.3G    9.3G   -711M   108%    /
devfs          1.0k    1.0k      0B   100%    /dev

How can I set the partition size to the virtual drive size?

Best Answer

Essentially the reason for this is although you have increased the physical disk size presented to your OS you have not increased the partition size on the disk.

If you are not completely comfortable using command line utilities etc and the warnings they give don't make much sense to you then the most simple method of resolving your problem would be to download a gparted .iso and boot the virtual machine from the .iso this will give you a nice simple interface to increase the partition size on your virtual disk.

Link for gparted:

Best of luck.