Freebsd – postfix logs missing (freebsd)


I'm trying to debug an unfamiliar mail server and I can't find any logs for postfix. In the documentation it says:

Postfix logs all failed and successful deliveries to a logfile. The file is usually called `/var/log/maillog` or `/var/log/mail`; the exact pathname is defined in the `/etc/syslog.conf`. 

I checked /etc/syslog.conf and it listed /var/log/maillog but there is nothing there. The previous admin disabled all logging in other applications and I think it might be the same here. Is there a way I can reenable logging so I can continue to debug?

Edit: As requested when I run postconf syslog_facility it returns syslog_facility = mail.

My syslog daemon is syslogd and I've verified it is running using the command /usr/sbin/syslogd -l /var/run/log -l /var/named/var/run/log -s. I've pasted the syslog.conf below (removing commented lines):

*.err;kern.warning;auth.notice;mail.crit        /dev/console
*.notice;authpriv.none;kern.debug;;mail.crit;news.err   /var/log/messages
security.*                  /var/log/security;             /var/log/auth.log                   /var/log/maillog                    /var/log/lpd-errs                    /var/log/xferlog
cron.*                      /var/log/cron
*.=debug                    /var/log/debug.log
*.emerg                     *
*.*                     /var/log/ppp.log

Best Answer

All postfix logs should (by default) go into /var/log/mail.log (and similar for errors). Authentication logs should go to /var/log/auth.log.

And that could be all, I assume.