Freebsd – ZFS on OpenSolaris or FreeBSD


I have no real experience with ZFS, and very limited experience with Solaris & FreeBSD. After reading numerous articles about ZFS, I'm pretty convinced ZFS is something I want to use for my home disk array (16-20 disks).

I'm trying to decide between Solaris and FreeBSD. I have no real preference but I don't know the differences between the two.

Can someone point out the differences or benefits/advantages of one OS over the other?


To avoid being "off-topic", I'll rephrase my question(s):

  1. What features do Solaris (or FreeBSD) have over the other in terms of ZFS support?
  2. Are there significant performance differences between Solaris vs. FreeBSD vs. other in terms of ZFS?

Best Answer

I recommend Nexenta or NexentaStor for this purpose. NexentaStor is more of an appliance and doesn't require heavy Unix knowledge. It features a web GUI. But if weren't using either, I'd go the Solaris or Solaris-derivative route (Illumos, OpenIndiana).