Freebsd – “zpool replace” hangs and locks up the pool


Given my four disk RAIDZ1, one disk has become physically noisy, not producing errors yet, but not sounding healthy either. So I've chosen to pre-emptively replace it.

I have done:

zpool offline tank0 ad6

Shutdown, remove and replace disk

zpool replace tank0 ad6 ad6

which hangs forever.

zpool status also hangs forever, as does zpool history.

If I reboot the machine with the disk removed, everything works fine, in degraded mode as expected.

What do I do now? Worried because my data is now vulnerable to a single disk failure.

OS is FreeBSD 7.3-RELEASE-p1 – a.k.a. FreeNAS

I have just tried the same operation in a VM, albeit FreeBSD 7.3-RELEASE-p7 (FreeNAS, slightly later version) – works perfectly. Trying with the oldest version of FreeNAS I can find now ( and will update later.

Also, does zpool replace require no filesystem usage? There's a possibility that another daemon on the NAS is using the filesystem. I assume this would be OK but this may of course be wrong.

Update, 2012-01-10

I booted the machine with FreeNAS 8 and did the zpool replace – which started, and immediately started throwing piles of data corruption errors and kernel panics – despite a weekly scrub of the pool never finding any issues. I don't think I did anything stupid like tell it to replace the wrong disk. I immediately issued shutdown -h since I know the data was just fine.

Anyhow, I now have a degraded pool, stuck in a state where the replace is suspended, and I am copying my data off to a 3TB external drive, bought at great expense, so I can destroy the pool and start again. Thankfully, the data looks okay – I happen to have md5sums of about 100GB of the files, which so far seem to be intact, and I have managed to recover everything that is truly irreplaceable.

I am now waiting for more RAM to arrive since FreeNAS 8 keeps panicing with kmem_max too small errors, which I don't seem to be able to tune around, and the machine was RAM constrained (1 GB RAM for a 4TB RAIDZ1).

Hard lesson learned about backups, but also confidence in ZFS/FreeNAS/FreeBSD really knocked.

UPDATE 13/1/12

Well my data appears to be safely backed up now.

zpool status -v hangs even with failmode set to continue. Here's the output of zpool status, with the new disk plugged in (ada1)

  pool: tank0
 state: DEGRADED
status: One or more devices has experienced an error resulting in data
        corruption.  Applications may be affected.
action: Restore the file in question if possible.  Otherwise restore the entire pool 
        from backup.
 scrub: none requested

NAME                       STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
tank0                      DEGRADED     0     0     0
  raidz1                   DEGRADED     0     0     0
    ada2                   ONLINE       0     0     0
    ada3                   ONLINE       0     0     0
    ada0                   ONLINE       0     0     0
    replacing              DEGRADED     0     0 3.17K
      6540253751212815210  UNAVAIL      0     0     0  was /dev/ada3/old
      ada1                 ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: 3130 data errors, use '-v' for a list

With the old disk plugged in instead of the new one, ZFS won't import the pool, and zfs status says:

tank0          UNAVAIL insufficient replicas
  raidz1       FAULTED corrupted data
    ada2       ONLINE
    ada3       ONLINE
    ada0       FAULTED corrupted data
    replacing  UNAVAIL insufficient replicas
      ada1     FAULTED corrupted data
      ada1     FAULTED corrupted data

I don't see why ada0 should be FAULTED with the new disk (ada1) plugged in but ONLINE with the old disk plugged in? I don't see how ada0 is even related.

Let's try to recover this pool as a learning exercise.

Best Answer

I'm not a ZFS guru but I'll take a shot: It sounds like the ZFS subsystem is still trying to access the failed drive, and hanging for some reason. Try setting the pool's failmode value to continue (zpool set failmode=continue) and see if that makes the hang go away and lets you suss out what's going on.

(Note that this isn't a fix: The system still can't access a drive it thinks it should be able to access, it's just telling it to return an error and keep going rather than blocking until an answer is received.)